Class V
 Ø      Conduct a survey by visiting at least 10 people of different age groups like  5-10years, 10-13 years, 21-30 years, 31-45 years and 45- 60 years. Prepare a questionnaire based on their food choice, their life styles and the work they do.
Record your observations in a scrap book along with the photograph of the   person interviewed.
  Find if they take a balanced diet. If not, suggest some components of food by which they can make their diet balanced and healthy.
Ø      Make a project on  at least four deficiency diseases caused due to
     lack of nutrients. Present information in the following format
·         Name of the disease
·         Cause
·         Symptoms
·         Preventive measures
One part of the project  should have complete information of  disease. Use pictures, colours and other materials to make it beautiful and informative.

Ø            Prepare a list of organization that which work for animal rights and draw their logo.

Class IV Science

Ø            Prepare a list of the those things that must be done to keep your sense organs clean and that must be avoided in relation to your sense organs.
Ø            Insects are very useful to us .Make a project on “USEFUL INSECTS”
Present the information in the following format:
Name of the insect
Life Cycle
Ø         Make a project on :Beaks and Claws “ of birds .
Write the functions of different beaks and claws.

Class – IX

Q.1) Design a Webpage using various HTML tags on "Netiquette".
Q.2) Search the Internet on the topic "HTML" and write down some information in the copy explaining its various tags.
Q.3) Search the Internet on 5 Educational Websites and write down the names explaining their features.
Class – VIII

Q.1)  Write All the HTML Basic commands on an A4 size paper.
Q.2)  Design your time table on Webpage using various Table tags.
Q.3) Make a Poster on “ Stop Using Polythene Bags” using Ms. Paint.

Class – VII

Q.1) Search the Internet on the topic "How does a Computer Work" and write down some information in the copy explaining Booting process and role of Operating System.
Q.2) Draw MS – Excel application starting window on A4 sheet and label it properly.
Q.3) Make a MS – PowerPoint presentation on SAVE EARTH
Class – X

Q.1) Write all the important features of MS. Access on an A4 size paper.
Q.2) Search the Internet on the topic "Data Base " and write down some important databases and their uses.
Q.3) Search the Internet on 5 Educational Websites and write down the names explaining their features.

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